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Furnace Engineering

Mezzanine Floor

The Challenge:

Furnace Engineering had grown out of their existing facility and needed to move to house their next wave of growth. The had bought a new facility close by and needed to maximise their storage and floor capacity in a short amount of time because the longer they were in the old facility the more rent they paid. We were able to mobilise quickly and create the extra space they needed in the new facility to enable them to move.

Fixing the Constraints:

An obvious challenge that Furnace Engineering had was space and the need to maximise floor space for storage and working area. We achieved this by designing and constructing two fit for purpose mezzanine systems.


Execution was important to make sure we got the project done quickly and also to ensure it didn’t interfere with overhead cranes and proposed machine locations. Our expert team managed to install in a timely manager with no design clashes later on.

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